Why should everyone concerned about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism read Truth to Power?
Because my book recounts how my newspaper, New York Native, was a witness to the birth of the whole AIDS, HHV-6, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism cover-up. With my reporter, Neenyah Ostrom, I watched the whole thing unfold and we covered it like no other publication in the world. We nailed it. My book lets people relive everything we went through to get the story. It was a very intense experience for everyone at my newspaper.
Do you think all the people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome really want to know the truth about their illness?
Not exactly.
Many of them are afraid that the truth will stigmatize them. They would rather run around in circles than face up to the fact that CFS is clearly transmissible and linked to HHV-6 and AIDS.
Do you think Chronic Fatigue Syndrome should be called myalgic encephalomyelitis?
No. God no! That's just another attempt to cover up the obvious fact that CFS is part of the AIDS epidemic. It is counterproductive to push that term. It makes the patients look goofy which must amuse the medical establishment to no end. The patients seem to think that if they say that name over and over they can make it stick. Good luck with that.
Isn't Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a brain disease?
CFS is an "everything disease." Focusing on that hides the rest of the disease. It is multisystemic, just like AIDS. We now know it affects every cell in the body. Calling it a brain disease is another way of distracting attention away from the connection to the AIDS epidemic and the virus they have in common, HHV-6.
What do you think about the state of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research?
Most of it is what I call Denialist Research.
Denialist Research?
CFS research suffers from chronic HHV-6 and AIDS denialism. Most of it is structured and premised in such a way that nobody will see the obvious epidemiological overlapping of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS. Consider the recent so-called Lombardi breakthrough which seemed to develop a test for CFS that tested CFS patients against healthy controls but not AIDS patients. Imagine if they had used their so-called CFS test on AIDS patients and it showed that they really could not separate CFS patients from AIDS patients. The overlapping of CFS and AIDS is the big dirty secret that CFS research constantly tries to maintain.
When a team in Australia recently showed that CFS affected every cell in the body, they of course did not check to see if it was true in AIDS. It's taboo to even talk about that.
What do you think about most of the documentaries on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
They're all pathetic. Most of the filmmakers would not know investigative reporting if it bit them They are counterproductive and stupid for he most part.
What do you think of Ronald Davis, the scientist that the CFS community is celebrating?
He's an overrated pompous ass who doesn't see the obvious things about this epidemic. The way he dismisses previous research done on this disease is unethical. He's a real narcissist. The patients should can their awe.
Was your paper the first publication the report extensively on HHV-6?
Yes. And for over a decade I have been staying on top of the story by running HHV-6 University.
Why aren't the CFS patients paying close attention to the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
A few are. But many are so terrified of admitting that CFS might be caused by a transmissible virus like HHV-6 that they would rather have endless conferences in which they talk about subsets, genetics, metabolomics, and the kitchen sink. You would think the Mary Schweitzer story would make them have CFS conferences devoted to the role of HHV-6 in CFS.
The Mary Schweitzer story?
Mary Schweitzer is a CFS sufferer who is also somewhat of an intellectual. She was treated with Ampligen and simultaneously the presence of HHV-6 in her blood went down and she got much better. When she went off Ampligen the HHV-6 came back and she got sick. For God's sake, how much more obvious can it get? To me that is one of the most revealing events in the history of CFS and people seem to want to pretend it didn't happen. Once again, they can't handle the truth.
Did your newspaper report on Ampligen?
Quite a bit. It's in my book, Truth to Power.
Has treatment for HHV-6 helped children who are autistic.
Yes. It's tragic that there is not more of a focus on the role of HHV-6 in autism. there should be an international conference on what HHV-6 does in autism. If people in the autism spectrum community want to know why the CDC is covering up HHV-6, they need to read my book.
Why hasn't MSNBC and people like Rachel Maddow covered all of this?
Unfortunately, the media has its head in the sand. They just don't know how political science is. Or they are afraid to investigate it because they can easily be browbeaten by scientific authorities like Anthony Fauci and the whole gang at the CDC. Government scientists know how to manipulate the media. It's the one thing they do well. I wrote a political satire about this called Pig: A Memoir. It's kind of a sequel to George Orwell's Animal Farm but it is focused on science and public health. The book has many layers and many issues, but the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 cover-up is at the very center of it. I'm hoping that the humor and satire in the book will help people think outside of the box about what is going on. We need a George Orwell approach to this disaster. People can take a look at the book here.
You've been quoted as saying that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has become too much of a social event. What do you mean by that?
Too many CFS patients have lost sight of the fact that CFS is a public health crisis. CFS activism should be a highly focused battle to expose the institutions and people that are covering up the true nature of the epidemic. Instead it has become a great big tiresome and gossipy coffee klatch. Too many people are stuck at home with no life except for the one they can eke out of commenting on comments on the internet. Their lives are evaporating tweet by tweet. It's very sad. And now a second generation is beginning to get this illness and they have the same kind of future to look forward to.
Why don't Chronic Fatigue Syndrome researchers see the relationship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HHV-6, and AIDS?
They either don't want to or they are afraid to.
Why are they afraid?
They are afraid of the AIDS mafia which would have a fit if CFS is shown to be an overlooked part of the AIDS epidemic. A great deal of power in public health science is held by Anthony Fauci and other people involved with AIDS. They have long arms. They want all scientists to think the way they think. They don't want their work on AIDS to have the rug pulled out from under it. Which is exactly what will happen when people realize that CFS is just another manifestation of AIDS.
What do you think the leaders of CFS activism like Carol Head should do?
They should stop beating around the bush. Carol Head should do what I told Marc Iverson to do decades ago. Hold a press conference in Washington and tell the public that the links between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS are overwhelming and must be investigated at ever level of science and government. I think the response from the public and the media would be breathtaking and immediate. Congress would make it a priority. Money would be no object. It's just that simple. But it demands great moral courage to say something that will upset a lot of vested interests, including many of the patients who can't handle the truth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Click here for Part Three of the Author Interview.
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